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Eléments de vulgarisation

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Pakendorf, B., 2015, "17 reports on genetic history of individual ethnolinguistic groups, 9 in both English and Afrikaans", "Khoisan-" and "Bantu"-speaking communities in Namibia and Botswana, Windhoek


Pakendorf, B., 2015, "Genetic perspectives on language contact and prehistory amongst the ‘Khoisan’ of Namibia: Final report", Ministry of Health and Social Services, Windhoek


Pakendorf, B., Stoneking, M., 2015, "The genetic prehistory of the “Khoisan” of Namibia and Botswana", WIMSA, Windhoek


Pakendorf, B., 2015, "The Kalahari Basin area: a ‘Sprachbund’ on the verge of extinction Final report for Individual Project 3: “The Central Kalahari area with a focus on ǂHoan (Ju-ǂHoan family): language contact and population genetics” ", Ministry of Youth Sport & Culture , Gaborone


Paulin, P., Duke, D., Dondia, P. & Kouarata, G., Lutala Kyad'i, L., Moussavou, G., Mumba Mukuba, F., Nzamba Nzamba, T., Waneyombo Brachka, B., 2009, "Analyse de situation sous-régionale sur la problématique des "peuples autochtones" en Afrique centrale.", UNICEF, Protection de l'enfance, New-York  (pdf)


Pellegrino, F., 2001, "Les technologies du langage à l'aube du 21ème siècle", Fête de la Science, Institut des Sciences de l'Homme, Lyon, France, Octobre, 18-19 octobre 2001


Pellegrino, F., 2000, "A l'aube du 21ème siècle : Perspectives en Identification Automatique des Langues", Les Petits Déjeuners de l'ISH, Institut des sciences de l'homme, Lyon, France, 6 octobre 2000


Ponsonnet, M., 2019, "Recirculating Songs. Revitalising the singing practices of Indigenous Australia (Wafer J. et Turpin M. eds.)", Aboriginal History, Canberra


Ponsonnet, M., 2017, "Les émotions dans le discours/Emotions in Discourse (Blumenthal P., Novakova I. et Siepmann D. eds.). ", Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 111(2). , Paris

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