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Tallman, A., 2020, "Convergence and reliability of constituency diagnostics: an exploratory analysis of the languages in the Americas", University of Melbourne, Zoom, 22 May, 2020


Tallman, A., 2020, "Narrative time advancement and random forests in Chácobo (Pano) and Araona (Takana)", University of Manitoba Linguistics colloquium, Winnipeg, January 10th, 2020


Tallman, A., 2020, "The emergence of empty morphs in Chácobo (Pano) and Araona (Takana)", 19th International Morphology Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 6-8 February 2020


Tallman, A., 2019, "Clause-linkage, embededness and nominalizations in Chácobo (Pano)", Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latin America VIII, University of Texas at Austin, 10-12th October, 2019


Tillmann, B., Bedoin, N., 2012, "Influence d'une stimulation auditive rythmique sur le traitement syntaxique et syllabique chez des enfants atteints de troubles développementaux du langage", Séminaire de Neuropsychologie "Fan's Club de Neuropsychologie" de Lyon, Hôpital HFME, Lyon, 12 juin

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