Dernière mise à jour : 17/03/2023  |
Formation et parcours professionnel
Responsabilité de projets
Principales publications et conférences
Ma formation première est en linguistique, traitant des sujets tels que la syntaxe et la phonologie. Je suis revenu dans le domaine de la recherche après avoir travaillé dans le domaine informatique (ASUS). Ce parcours m'a permis de développer (et de continuer à développer actuellement) des compétences en typologie quantitative computationnelle en parallèle avec mes connaissances en linguistique. Mon thème principal de recherche porte donc sur l'élaboration et l'analyse des hypothèses linguistiques en terme de synchronie et diachronie. Vous pouvez accéder à plus de détails sur ma page web personnelle (lien ci-dessus).
 | Parcours professionnel
- 2021 – : Chargé de recherche.
Laboratoire EA (Éco-anthropologie, UMR 7206) at the CNRS/ Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle/ Université Paris Cité, France.
- 2019 – 2021: Postdoctoral Researcher.
DDL (Dynamics of Language) lab of University Lumière Lyon 2, France.
(80% research - 20% Teaching/Supervision)
- 2019 – 2019: Ph.D. Researcher.
Department of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala University, Sweden.
(80% research - 20% teaching, 6 months funded contract)
- 2016 – 2019: Ph.D. Student.
Department of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala University, Sweden.
(80% research- 20% teaching, full-time funded working contract)
Defence completed on the 9th of March 2019.
- 2013 – 2015: French Instructor.
Chinese Institute of European Languages, Taiwan.
(Group courses 5-20 members, 30 hours/week, level A1-C2)
- 2014 – 2015: Interpreter.
International Cooperation and Development Fund, Taiwan.
(French/Chinese/Arabic/English interpreter at international events)
- 2013 – 2015: Research Assistant.
Syntax/Phonology lab, National ChengChi University, Taiwan.
(Experiment design, database maintenance, and data analysis)
- 2011 – 2012: Product Manager.
North Africa division, Asustek Computer, Taiwan.
(Product planning, sales and marketing for notebooks and tablets)
 | Formation
- 2016 – 2019: Ph.D. in linguistics, Uppsala University, Sweden/ National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations, France.
Thesis: A typology of classifiers and gender: From description to computation.
- 2013 – 2015: M.A. in linguistics, National ChengChi University, Taiwan.
Thesis: A GIS typological analysis of the convergence and divergence among numeral classifier, genders and plural markers in the world’s languages.
- 2006 – 2011: B.A. in Diplomacy/Arabic Language and Literature (double major), National ChengChi University, Taiwan.
 | Compétences
- Languages: French (Native), Chinese (Native), English (TOEIC 990/990), Arabic (CEFR B1), Swedish (Swedish for Academics Level 3).
- Quantitative methods: Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference (BayesTraits, MrBayes, BEAST), Classification and Regression (Random Forests, Neural Networks,
Support Vector Machines), Word embeddings (GloVe, word2vec, fast-Text), Computational Linguistics (Word segmentation, POS tagging, Dependency parsing), Web data harvesting (Docker, Selenium).
- Computer: Programming language R and Python, Operating systems Linux, Mac, and Windows, LATEX.
- Geography: Leaflet, QGIS, Google Fusion Table.
- Linguistics: CLAN (Computerized Language Analysis), ELAN (EUDICO Linguistic Annotator), Praat, Toolbox, Treeform.
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 | EVOGRAM: The role of linguistic and non-linguistic factors in the evolution of nominal classification systems - Junior Researcher Grant (ANR-JCJC) funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR-20-CE27-0021, 166 936 euros) - Principal Investigator. This two-year project (2021-2023) aims at building a database on nominal classification systems to identify the factors affecting their evolution. Lien |
 | RELI: Recherche En Linguistique Illustrée [Research In Linguistics Illustrated] - Project funded by the Labex ASLAN (6000 euros) - Principal Investigator. This one-year project (2020-2021) contributes to the valorization of science by popularizing research of the ASLAN laboratories in Lyon in the form of short comics and comic strips. Lien |
 | FIELDLING (Funded international school in linguistic fieldwork) - Principal coordinator. FieldLing has been organised on a yearly basis since 2010 (involved units related to the CNRS: LLACAN, SEDYL, LACITO, INALCO, PARIS 3, LABEX EFL). It is at present the only regular (and free) intensive training program in France preparing students to study theories, methods, and the use of technological tools for language description through fieldwork. Lien |
 | GIS FOR LANGUAGE STUDY (Funded research environment, Uppsala University) - Principal coordinator. This project of Alexandra Petrulevich (Uppsala University) undertakes a series of seminars and workshops from 2017 to 2019 to explore the analytical tools provided by Geographic Information Systems such as QGIS, thereby giving the faculty's research on location-based materials a lift. Lien |
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 | Linguistique
- Fieldwork practice session with native speakers: Linguistic summer school teaching module, HT19 (International School in Linguistic Fieldwork, Paris). Instructor for 2-hour daily sessions on planning and conducting fieldwork during a week. Lien
- Current Research in Linguistics: Undergraduate course VT19 (Department of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala University). Instructor in charge of the full course. The students learn qualitative and quantitative methods to develop and test linguistic hypotheses. Lien
- Cognitive Linguistics: Undergraduate course VT19 (Department of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala University). Instructor in charge of the full course. This course provides basic theoretical and methodological knowledge in the area of cognitive linguistics. Lien
 | Méthodes quantitatives
- Visualisation and Statistics: Postgraduate course HT18 (Faculty of Languages, Uppsala University). Instructor for weekly two-hour lab sessions of R programming in data visualization an statistical analysis. Lien
- An Introduction to Random Forests in R: Postgraduate teaching module, VT18 (Department of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala University). Instructor for 90-minute sessions to the computational classifier of random forests. Lien
 | Cours de langues
- French: High school/University group courses 2013HT- 2015VT (Chinese Institute of European Languages). Instructor for group courses (A1-C2 levels). The teaching involved conversation, writing, grammar courses, and preparation for the DELF diplomas. Lien
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Tang, M., 2019, "A typology of classifiers and gender: From description to computation", Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis (ISBN: 978-91-513-0507-3)
Chapitres dans les ouvrages
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Kilarski, M. & Tang, M., 2021, "Classifiers in Morphology", in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Aronoff, M. (ed), Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 1-28 (doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780199384655.013.546)
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Vittrant, A. & Tang, M., 2021, "Classifiers in Southeast Asian Languages", in The Languages and Linguistics of Mainland Southeast Asia: A comprehensive guide, Sidwell, P. & Mathias, J. (eds), Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 733-772 (doi.org/10.1515/9783110558142-031)
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Tang, M. & Wan, I.P., 2019, "Predicting speech errors in Mandarin based on word frequency", in From minimal contrast to meaning construct, Qu, S. & Zhan, W. (eds), Singapore, Springer, pp. 289-303 (doi.org/10.1007/978-981-32-9240-6_20)
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Basirat, A. & Tang, M., 2019, "Linguistic information in word embeddings", in Agents and artificial intelligence, van den Herik, J. & Rocha, A. (eds), Cham, Springer, pp. 492-513 (doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-05453-3_23)
Articles de revues
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Parajuli, K. & Tang, M., 2023, "A corpus-based quantitative study of numeral classifiers in Nepali", Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, ahead of print (doi: 10.1515/cllt-2022-0064)
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Ulrich, N., Pellegrino, F. & Tang, M., 2023, "Intra- and inter-speaker variation in eight Russian fricatives", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 153:4, pp. 2285-2297 (doi.org/10.1121/10.0017827)
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Hutin, M. & Tang, M., 2023, "L’apport des données participatives pour l’étude linguistique des français du monde : le cas de l’opposition /a∼ɑ/", Journal of French Language Studies, 2023, pp. 1-24 (doi: 10.1017/S0959269523000200)
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Levshina, N., Namboodiripad, S., Tang, M., Kramer, M., Talamo, L., Verkerk, A., Wilmoth, S., Rodriguez, G., Gupton, T., Kidd, E., Liu, Z., Naccarato, C., Nordlinger, R., Panova, A. & Stoynova, N., 2023, "Why we need a gradient approach to word order", Linguistics, 61:4, pp. 825-883 (doi: 10.1515/ling-2021-0098)
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Tang, M., Gao, Z.L., Chen, S.A. & Her, O.S., 2023, "Phylogenetic analyses for the origin of sortal classifiers in Mongolic, Tungusic, and Turkic languages", Concentric, 49:2, pp. 295-315 (doi: 10.1075/consl.00031.her)
Communications avec actes édités
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Hammarström, H., Her, O.S. & Tang, M., 2021, "Term spotting: A quick-and-dirty method for extracting typological features of language from grammatical descriptions", proc. of Swedish Language Technology Conference, Online, November 25–27, pp. 27-34 (Lien)
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Veeman, H., Tang, M., Berdicevskis, A. & Basirat, A., 2020, "Cross-lingual embeddings reveal universal and lineage-specific patterns in grammatical gender assignment", proc. of the 24th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL), Online, November 19-20, pp. 265-275 (doi.org/10.18653/v1/P17)
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Basirat, A. & Tang, M., 2018, "Lexical and Morpho-syntactic Features in Word Embeddings: A Case Study of Nouns in Swedish", proc. of 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Madeira, Portugal, January 16-18, Scite Press, pp. 663-674 (10.5220/0006729606630674)
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Kilarski, M. & Tang, M., 2018, "The coalescence of grammatical gender and numeral classifiers in the general classifier wota in Nepali", proc. of the Linguistic Society of America annual meeting, Salt Lake City, January 4-7, LSA, 3/56, pp. 1-10 (10.3765/plsa.v3i1.4352)